Introduction to Natural Dyeing on Wool – A Beginner’s Workshop

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  • Regular price $135.00

March 29th 
9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Welcome to the fascinating world of natural dyeing! This one-day workshop will take you through preparing wool for the dye pot; the steps in getting beautiful colours from traditional dyestuffs, locally foraged plants, and kitchen scraps; and how best to treat your yarn after dyeing. Along the way, you will learn a little about chemistry, the history of natural dyeing, the range of colours that can be obtained from nature, and the various approaches to dyeing fibers of different content.
You will end the day with multiple samples of yarn you have dyed, and enough knowledge to continue exploration on your own.
This workshop takes place in the Peterborough County Agricultural Heritage Building (146 Lang Road). Materials provided. Tea, coffee and cookies will be available all day. Please bring your lunch.